Slight Increase to College Fees in 2016 – Here’s How and Why

At its September 2014 meeting, the College Council made a carefully considered decision to increase College fees into 2017. The new fees for 2016 will be as follows:

  • The annual renewal fee for College members is $280.
  • The registration fee for new members is $280.
  • The new graduate fee is $180 ($100 less than the regular fee).

All of the fees above have increased by $5 over the previous year.

  • The registration fee for members in the Inactive category of membership is half the new regular fee, or $140.
  • The application fee remains at $100.

A number of factors contributed to Council’s decision, including:

Responsible Financial Stewardship: As part of its business plan, the College has been intentionally operating with a deficit budget for several years. This has resulted in a gradual and planned reduction to the College’s Reserve Fund. However, this plan could not be justified indefinitely as it is critical that the College maintain sufficient reserves to cover unanticipated legal fees and other unforeseen expenses. It was therefore determined that fees must be increased beginning in 2015.

Manageable Increments: Even with the fee increase, the College will continue to operate with an intentional deficit budget. It was decided that for most members, small, incremental fee increases would be preferable to one large increase.

Fair and Competitive Fees: The College’s registration, renewal and application fees are lower than those of other regulatory bodies of comparable size. The College has reduced its fees twice since it began operations in 2000, and 2015 was the first time that there has been a fee increase. The College takes its mandate and responsibilities seriously. There is a cost to self-regulation which must be entirely covered through member fees.

It is hoped that this explanation will provide members with the information they need to understand the fee increase.

For further information on fees or the fee increase, please contact Membership Services by email at or by phone at 1-877-828-9380 or 416-972-9882.