See it? Report it. It’s the law.
October is Child Abuse Prevention Month. To raise awareness about this important topic, the Ministry of Children and Youth Services it is reminding everyone that keeping the most vulnerable members of our communities safe is a responsibility we all share.
Learn to recognize the signs of child abuse and neglect and to immediately report any suspicions that a child is or may be in need of protection directly to a children’s aid society.
Professionals working closely with children, like police officers, social workers and teachers, have a legal duty to protect children and youth from harm. A professional must report suspected child abuse to a children’s aid society. You likely know that professionals could be assessed a fine of up to $1,000 if they do not report a suspected case of child abuse or neglect where the information is obtained in the course of their official duties. The maximum fine will increase to $5,000 when the Child, Youth and Family Services Act is proclaimed next year.
You can help support the safety and wellbeing of children and youth in Ontario by raising awareness about child abuse prevention. Click here to download a poster and/or pamphlet to display in your office.For further information about this issue, members are strongly encouraged to review “The Duty to Report under the Child and Family Services Act.”