Message from the Registrar and CEO: College Updates

Dear College members and other stakeholders:

As we head into fall, I wanted to take this opportunity to provide you with a number of College updates.


The College continues to monitor the ongoing impact of the pandemic and to provide members and other stakeholders with ongoing updates and information.

As noted in previous eBulletins, the College continues to strongly advise members to continue, wherever reasonably possible, to provide services by electronic means. Members should also continue to adhere to the safety and infection control measures that must be in place to ensure their own safety and that of the clients and communities they serve.

I’d like to remind you that the College has developed a centralized webpage for all things related to COVID-19, including College resources, links to government and public authorities, and eBulletins which have been sent to members and other stakeholders. We will continue to provide practice support to members in light of the pandemic and encourage you to visit the College’s website and Twitter account regularly for updates and further communications.

Reminder regarding requirements under Child, Youth and Family Services Act

The Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS) recently issued a communication to remind stakeholders of the requirements under the Child, Youth and Family Services Act (CYFSA) which came into effect earlier this year. On January 1, 2020, new privacy obligations for Children’s Aid Societies became law under Part X (Personal Information).

MCCSS has provided the following resources in order to help stakeholders – including our College members – better understand the CYFSA and its regulations:

For more information regarding the CYFSA and the recent MCCSS communication, please contact

Member fees

Every year, the Council carefully considers the various factors which impact the College’s financial situation, reviews its cash flow projections and approves fees for the following year. This annual review ensures that the College responds in a fiscally responsible and flexible manner to changes in the environment – changes which of course include the global pandemic that hit earlier this year.

Taking into consideration the impact of COVID-19, operating costs and resource needs and other factors, the Council approved in May the recommendations of the Finance Committee that there be no increase to the general registration and membership fees in 2021.

Stay tuned for information later this fall regarding the College’s annual membership renewal.

Diversity, equity and inclusion webpage

As noted in our previous communications about the 2020-2023 Strategic Plan, College Council identified increasing diversity, equity and inclusion as a strategic priority of the College. The broad objectives within this overarching priority are intended to respond to the concerns of all equity-seeking groups, and to enhance equity and inclusion across organizational processes, resources and materials.

The College has developed a “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” webpage in order to centralize the College’s various communication efforts and resources. We are committed to continuing to work on these important issues as they relate to the materials that we develop as well as our organizational practices and processes.

NEW student resource

The College has created a new student presentation which is now available on the College website and YouTube channel. As part of the College’s new Strategic Plan, the College is committed to providing more educational resources and to leveraging technology to improve accessibility and efficiency.

Intended to complement and support the College’s traditional in-person presentations on the role of the College and the value of becoming a registered College member, this new resource will ensure that the College’s presentations to students are easily accessible both during and after the pandemic.

The Professional Practice Department remains available to provide live online presentations and can be contacted by email at

Keep well.

Lise Betteridge, MSW, RSW

Registrar and CEO