Dear College members:

With recent news about the steady increase in COVID-19 cases and the return to previous restrictions in some sectors and regions, the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (the College) would like to take this opportunity to highlight various recommendations to members and other stakeholders.

Key considerations

Given the rapidly changing environment, it is vital that members remain up to date with respect to information and guidance from government and public health authorities and ensure that they are familiar with previous College communications regarding:

The College strongly advises members to continue, wherever reasonably possible, to provide services by electronic means.

Protecting members and the Ontario public

The College continues to provide practice support to our members as part of our ongoing mandate of public protection during this unprecedented time. Ontarians – including College members – must remain vigilant in adhering to health and safety measures to ensure their own safety and that of the clients and communities they serve. We all have a collective responsibility to do our part to reduce the spread of the virus.

Canada’s COVID Alert app can let individuals know of possible COVID-19 exposures. For more information, visit the Government of Canada’s website.

Staying informed

The College encourages members to visit the College’s centralized webpage for all things related to COVID-19, including College resources, links to government and public authorities, and eBulletins which have been sent to members and other stakeholders.

Thank you for your dedication to the well-being of the clients and communities that you serve. Recognizing that this continues to be an extremely challenging time for our members and for the Ontario public, we will continue to monitor the ongoing impact of the pandemic, and to keep you informed as circumstances change.

Keep well and stay safe.

Lise Betteridge, MSW, RSW
Registrar and CEO