Q&A: Online Application Processing Times

Q and A

Q: Why is it taking so long to process an online application?

A: Earlier this year, the College launched an online application process, offering first-time applicants the ability to apply securely and to pay their application and registration fees to the College through its new online application portal.

The online application portal is currently available to individuals who:

  • have obtained an accredited social work degree;
  • have obtained an approved social service work diploma; or,
  • are applying on the basis of their registration as a social worker in another Canadian jurisdiction.

Since the pandemic, the College has seen a surge in applications submitted to the College, causing delays in terms of application processing time. At the time of publication, the processing time for a general application through the College’s online application portal is approximately six weeks from the time that all documents, including verification of educational qualifications (i.e. transcripts), have been received by the College.

While an online application process is more efficient from the user/applicant experience, a number of checks and balances remain in place in accordance with the Registration Regulation made under the Social Work and Social Service Work Act. Like many new initiatives, the College has had to develop and revise many of its internal business processes as they relate to the new online application process.

The College is working hard to ensure there are ongoing communications to applicants who are waiting for their applications to be processed.

For all other registration-related inquiries, please contact the Registration Department at registration@ocswssw.org.