- John Fleming, Council Chair, provided his report to Council.
- Council received an update from Stacey Hardy-Chandler, CEO of the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) and Siu Ming Kwok, President of the Canadian Council of Social Work Regulators, regarding entry-to-practice exams.
- Lise Betteridge, RSW, Registrar and CEO, and Denitha Breau, Deputy Registrar, presented their report to Council. The report provided updates under each strategic priority in the College’s Strategic Plan and included information about the following: renewals and registrant-base data including a breakdown of registrants; an update on the College’s CRM software upgrade; the Professional Practice Department’s continued practice support as well as an update around consultations regarding the draft revisions to the Standards of Practice; this year’s Annual Meeting and Education Day; the College’s ongoing work around stakeholder and government relations; the Equity and Inclusion Data initiative; the College’s ongoing efforts around title protection matters; and Complaints and Discipline.
- Council reviewed the Statement of Financial Position as of January 2023.
- Council reviewed the Statement of Operations as of January 2023.
- Reports were received from the following statutory committees: Executive; Complaints; Discipline; Registration Appeals; and Fitness to Practise.
- Council received a general update around timelines and next steps for the strategic planning process 2024-2027.
- Council reviewed and discussed the College’s risk mitigation strategies to address the sexual abuse of clients by registrants and agreed to move forward with the proposed approaches.
- Council reviewed a memo prepared by the College’s government relations firm for future strategic planning.
- Council reviewed and approved the recommendations proposed by the Governance Committee with respect to draft revisions to the Risk Management Protocol.
- Council reviewed the College’s Risk Register.
- Council carefully considered and approved a number of decisions around the implementation of recommendations from the governance review.
- Reports were received from the following non-statutory committees: Standards of Practice; Election; Nominating; Finance; Governance; Corporations; and Titles and Designations.