2023-2024 College Council Remains Committed to Protecting Ontarians

The Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (the College), is pleased to announce the 2023/2024 College Council.

“Our registrants, social workers and social service workers, play a crucial role in the well-being of Ontarians,” said Council Chair John Fleming, who was re-elected to the position on September 7. “They represent the largest workforce of mental health professionals in Ontario, delivering services in diverse settings such as schools, the justice system, hospitals, communities and group homes. Ontarians need to be able to trust that the social workers and social service workers providing them with care and services, including mental health services, practise safely and ethically. The new Council will continue working to ensure Ontarians are supported by professional, ethical, qualified and accountable social workers and social service workers.”

The College currently regulates over 28,000 social workers and social service workers across Ontario. The Council is the 21-member governing body and board of directors that manages and administers College affairs. Their primary governance function is policy direction and development in supporting the operations of the College’s public protection mandate.

In addition to Council Chair John Fleming, the following Council members were also elected by Council to the Executive Committee:

  • Sanjay Govindaraj, RSW – Vice-Chair
  • Carrie McEachran, Public member – Executive Member
  • Sue-Ellen Merritt, RSSW – Executive Member
  • Elayne Tanner, RSW – Executive Member
  • Madimba Tshibuabua, RSSW – Executive Member

The Executive Committee is a statutory committee of Council. It provides leadership to Council and facilitates its efficient and effective functioning. To learn more about the Council, including Council member biographies, visit the College’s Council members webpage.

“I look forward to working with this year’s Council,” said College Registrar and CEO Denitha Breau, RN, MSN, MBA. “I know public protection is at the forefront of the Council’s decision-making. They are engaged and will continue to prioritize our important work of serving and protecting the public.”

The College’s Online Register is a key part of serving and protecting the public. It lists all registrants, their registration status, employment information and discipline history, if any, as well as other relevant information. Ontarians working with an individual who calls themself a “social worker” or “social service worker” should always check the Online Register to ensure their practitioner is registered. If the individual’s name doesn’t appear on the Online Register, they are considered an unregulated practitioner and put the public at risk. The College also maintains a list of unregulated practitioners on its website.

“We recognize the essential role that social workers and social service workers play in providing care to individuals within vulnerable populations, many of whom are navigating difficult circumstances in their lives and confronting a range of challenges,” said Breau. “All Ontarians deserve to know they are protected by registered practitioners who are overseen by the College.”