Professional Practice Update: 2023 CCP Reminder And Other Announcements

In this update:

  • 2023 CCP Reminder
  • Revised Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice Webinar Now Available & Additional Resource
  • Free Practice Resources Through OASW Learning Centre

The Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (the College) is sharing the following information and resources to support your practice.

2023 CCP Reminder

As we near the end of the year, the College is reminding registrants to complete their 2023 Continuing Competence Program (CCP).

The CCP is a condition of College registration which ensures that registrants stay current in their practice. The CCP is mandatory for ALL College registrants, except those holding a retired class of certificate of registration. Registrants can be suspended if they do not complete the CCP every year.

In order to complete the CCP, registrants are required to:

  • Review the Standards of Practice every year.
  • Complete a self-assessment based on those principles.
  • Set goals and carry out learning activities based on their self-assessment.

As part of the 2023 CCP, registrants are also required to review the following five practice resources:

For more information on how to complete the CCP, please visit the College website or contact the College’s Professional Practice Department at

Revised Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice: Webinar Recording & Additional Resource

In an eBulletin sent out on September 11, 2023, registrants were invited to attend a webinar to learn more about the revisions to the Standards of Practice and address frequently asked questions. The webinars took place on September 21, September 27 and October 4, 2023.

All three webinars were very well attended, and the positive feedback received by the College indicated they were helpful to registrants. A recorded version of the webinar is available to view on the College website.

The Professional Practice Department has also developed a resource for registrants highlighting the revisions made to the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice. This additional resource, although not comprehensive and not a substitute for reviewing the Standards of Practice, provides an overview of the changes and is available on the College website

For more information on the revised Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice, please contact the College’s Professional Practice Department at

Free Learning Resources Available Through the OASW Learning Centre

The Ontario Association of Social Workers (OASW) continues to offer free professional development and educational opportunities though the OASW Learning Centre. These resources are available to both social workers and social service workers.

Participation in these webinars can be used towards the completion of the CCP.

Visit the OASW Learning Centre website for more information.