• John Fleming, Council Chair, provided his report to Council.
  • Denitha Breau, RN, MSN, MBA, Registrar and CEO, presented her report to Council. The report provided updates and information about the following: an update on the new strategic planning process; ongoing work of the new database; an update on Bill 188 relating to the proposed amendments to section 50 of the Social Work and Social Service Work Act; an overview of outreach efforts including the ongoing and new public awareness campaign tactics; the Council elections in Electoral District 4; and the upcoming Annual Meeting and Education Day.
  • Council reviewed the College’s Risk Register.
  • Council reviewed the Statement of Financial Position as of March 2024.
  • Council reviewed the Statement of Operations for March 2024.
  • Council reviewed the 2023Audited Financial Statements, as approved by the Finance and Audit Committee.
  • Guest Dr. Sue Eckenswiller of the Indigenous Advanced Education & Skills Council (IAESC) presented information on proposed partnership to review and approve social service worker diploma programs offered by Indigenous Institutes of Ontario.
  • Council discussed and directed College staff to implement a requirement for vulnerable sector checks for phased implementation beginning in 2025, and that a report be brought forward at the September Council meeting outlining proposed policy direction.
  • Council approved the Finance and Audit Committee’s recommendation that there be no increase to registration and renewal fees for 2025.
  • Reports were received from the following non-statutory committees: Standards of Practice; Election; Nominating; Finance and Audit; Governance; and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
  • Reports were received from the following statutory committees: Executive; Complaints; Discipline; Fitness to Practise; and Registration Appeals.