New Online Booking System for Workplace Presentations and Practice Consultations Now Available!

Man looking at a computer screen where it reads OCSWSSW Meeting Scheduler

The College is excited to announce a new online booking system to request workplace presentations and practice consultations with the Professional Practice Department. This new system will streamline requests to consult with the Professional Practice staff about an ethical or practice dilemma that registrants are facing.

Through the online booking system, employers and registrants can select specific areas of focus for their practice consultation, including:

  • the Continuing Competency Program (CCP);
  • out-of-province practice; and
  • general consultation.

During a practice consultation, Professional Practice staff will help to identify the Standards of Practice that are relevant in a particular scenario and that will guide ethical decision making. Professional Practice staff can also provide additional College resources, including Practice Notes, Practice Guidelines and other information to support registrants in their practice.

Employers can also request workplace presentations through the new online booking system. Presentations are conducted either in-person or virtually and can be personalized based on specific areas of focus or challenges. We invite you to connect with us and hope that you will consider booking a presentation!

For questions or inquiries about the Professional Practice Department’s new online booking system, contact the Professional Practice Department at