New Joint Application Pathway with the Indigenous Advanced Education and Skills Council for Social Service Worker Diploma Programs Now Available

The Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (the College) is very pleased to announce a new joint application pathway with the Indigenous Advanced Education and Skills Council (IAESC) for social service worker diploma programs offered by Ontario Indigenous Institutes.

Eligible Indigenous Institutes seeking approval for their social service worker diploma programs can now submit a single program application that meets both the College’s and the IAESC’s requirements. All applications will be processed through the IAESC online portal, and both the IAESC and the College will thoroughly review the application materials to ensure a comprehensive evaluation. This streamlined approach aims to simplify the application and approval process and reduces barriers for Indigenous Institutes to obtain approval for their graduates to register with the College in a timely manner.

This collaborative effort reflects the College’s ongoing commitment to developing meaningful partnerships with Indigenous organizations and supports the educational goals of and learning opportunities for Indigenous communities.

For questions or inquiries about this new initiative, contact the Registration & Renewals Department at