Full Session AMED 2024 Videos Released and CCP Readings Reminder

The College’s 2024 Annual Meeting and Education Day (AMED) took place on June 4, 2024. This year’s theme was Engage and Evolve: Collaborative Approaches to Care. Videos of all the sessions are now available to watch on the College website and YouTube channel

These videos can serve as relevant professional development tools, supporting you in upholding professional and ethical standards of care. We encourage you to watch the videos that you may have missed during the live event.

Keynote Address Highlight

The keynote sessionUnlocking Our Superpower: The Hidden Power of Social Work and Social Service Work, presented by Uppala Chandrasekera, MSW, RSW is now available to watch. Uppala’s inspiring presentation discusses the pivotal role that social workers and social service workers can play in dismantling systemic barriers, fostering inclusivity and in creating a more equitable society. 

Educational Sessions

Four educational session videos are also available to watch. These sessions cover practice-specific topics including: 

Additionally, the Annual Meeting videos are available to catch up on key discussions and updates from the College.

For questions or inquiries about AMED, contact the College’s Communications Department at AMED@ocswssw.org

Reminder: Required Readings for 2024 CCP

The Continuing Competence Program (CCP) is a mandatory requirement for College registrants, ensuring that registrants stay current in their practice. Participation in the CCP is required every year, except for those in the retired class. This includes registrants who are not currently practising, those in the inactive class, and registrants on maternity, parental or sick leave.

To complete the CCP, you are required to:

  • Review the Standards of Practice every year.
  • Complete a self-assessment.
  • Set goals and carry out learning activities based on their self-assessment.

As part of the 2024 CCP, you are also required to review the following practice resources:

College registrants can use a variety of learning opportunities, including viewing the College’s AMED video recordings, towards the completion of their CCP. Once the videos are viewed, registrants can download the certificate of participation here.

For more information about the CCP, visit the College website.