Essential Updates to the Practice Guidelines for Parenting Plans Now Available

The College is pleased to announce that the Practice Guidelines for Custody and Access Assessments, now titled Practice Guidelines for Parenting Plans, have been updated to reflect current practice. Registrants who are involved in parenting plans must review the updated guidelines to ensure that they are following the most up-to-date guidance. The updated Practice Guidelines can be accessed here.

What do the Updates Include?

Updates incorporate the following practice considerations:

  • current legislation and practices;
  • gender-neutral and user-friendly language;
  • equity, diversity and inclusion principles and practices;
  • informed approaches to working in the context of intimate partner violence;
  • virtual practice considerations; and
  • ethical guidance for client contracts.

What was the Revision Process? 

The College engaged with a consultant with expertise in conducting high-conflict parenting plan assessments following separation or divorce to draft revisions to the Practice Guidelines. Registrants were then asked to provide feedback on the draft revisions, and this feedback was incorporated into the final version.

Still Have Questions?

For questions or inquiries about the Practice Guidelines, contact the Professional Practice Department at