This half-day virtual event is an excellent opportunity for registrants to stay connected with the College and gain valuable knowledge through the following agenda:
- College Update
- Panel Discussion: Touchpoints of Trust: Setting Boundaries and Navigating Consent
- Panel Discussion Question Period
In addition to a College update from Denitha Breau, Registrar and CEO, the Educational Forum included a keynote panel discussion entitled Touchpoints of Trust: Setting Boundaries and Navigating Consent. The College’s Director of Professional Practice, Christina Van Sickle, MSW, RSW, facilitated the expert panel which explored how registrants can set appropriate boundaries with clients and the various aspects that need to be considered when navigating conversations about consent. The panel session highlighted key strategies for social workers and social service workers to support them when discussing professional touch, behaviour and conversation with clients.
The panelists represent a variety of perspectives and practice areas and include:
- Alistair Smith
- Constantine Cabarios, MSW, RSW
- Melanie Tibishkogijig, MSW, RSW
- Yiching Chua, MSW, RSW
For More Information
For more information on the 2024 Educational Forum, contact the College’s Communications Department at