Message From the Registrar and CEO 

Message From the Registrar and CEO 


As we welcome the fall season, a time of change and reflection, I’m excited to introduce the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers’ (the College’s) 2024-2029 Strategic Plan. This new strategic direction represents a time of growth and renewal for the College, guiding us over the next five years as we strengthen our commitment to regulatory excellence and public protection. 

Much like autumn’s transition, our Strategic Plan is a testament to the College’s ongoing journey of transformation and marks our readiness to evolve and adapt to the changing landscape of Ontario’s social work and social service work professions. The Strategic Plan is the result of extensive collaboration with registrants, Council members, College staff, partners and the public. Each diverse perspective has enriched this strategic direction to build a vision for a more inclusive and equitable future. 

Throughout the development of this Strategic Plan, we were reminded of the power of language – how the words we choose can shape understanding, strengthen relationships or unintentionally reinforce bias. With that in mind, as part of our strategic planning process, we have made an intentional shift in how we use language. Going forward, the College will use the phrase “equity, diversity and inclusion” (EDI) instead of “diversity, equity and inclusion” (DEI). We will also move away from using the term “stakeholder” to take a more inclusive approach and prevent perpetuating harm to Indigenous communities. 

These changes highlight our understanding that without equitable practices, the needs of diverse groups are not fully addressed, and inclusion efforts remain limited. Diversity and inclusion are important, but they cannot be fully achieved without first addressing ongoing inequities. Language is not just a tool but a powerful expression of our values, particularly in social work and social service work, where equity is at the heart of supporting marginalized communities. 

The College is deeply committed to truth, reconciliation and decolonization. We acknowledge the harm that has been perpetuated against First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples and recognize our responsibility to contribute to healing and systemic change. By building meaningful partnerships with Indigenous communities and implementing the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action, we are planting the seeds for a more equitable future. Initiatives over the next five years such as mandatory anti-Indigenous racism training and data-driven policies will help amplify Indigenous voices and ensure that our efforts are meaningful and measurable. 

At the same time, the College is also focusing on addressing anti-Black racism, particularly the systemic barriers faced by Black individuals in both of Ontario’s child welfare and judicial systems. Through evidence-based strategies and collaboration with Black-led organizations, we are dedicated to dismantling these barriers and ensuring accountability in our work. Over the next five years, we will track our progress with ongoing reporting and metrics, keeping our efforts transparent and on course. 

As we continue this journey together, I want to thank you for your ongoing trust and support. Much like the fall season invites reflection and renewal, let’s use this time to grow, evolve and work towards a stronger, more equitable future for all. I encourage you to explore our 2024-2029 Strategic Plan in detail and consider how it will guide our collective work over the next five years. Together, we’ll continue to protect the public, uphold professional standards and strengthen our commitment to equity to pave the way for lasting change. 


Denitha Breau,
Registrar and CEO
Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers