Senior consultant Sheena Prasad from Diversio presented the identified trends from the Equity and Inclusion Data Initiative.
Denitha Breau, RN, MSN, MBA, Registrar and CEO, presented her report to Council. The report provided updates under each strategic priority in the College’s Strategic Plan and included information about the following: updates around practice resources for registrants including the latest Coffee with the College series; the recent Educational Forum; the College’s new database upgrades and renewals.
Council reviewed the Statement of Financial Position as of September 2024.
Council reviewed the Statement of Operations for September 2024.
Council reviewed the College’s Risk Register.
Council directed staff to conduct a comprehensive review and update of the College’s bylaws to remove outdated provisions, incorporate current best practices, and enhance the clarity and accessibility of the bylaws for the public and College registrants.
Council delegated oversight of revising the Practice Guidelines for Consent and Confidentiality with Children and Youth to the Standards of Practice Committee.
Council approved the Funding for Therapy or Counselling for Persons Sexually Abused by Registrants Policy.
Reports were received from the following statutory committees: Executive; Complaints; Discipline; Fitness to Practise; and Registration Appeals.
Council approved administrative updates to the Per Diem and Expense Policy.
Council approved the appointment of Crowe Soberman LLP as the College’s auditors for the year ending December 31, 2025.
Reports were received from the following non-statutory committees: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion; Standards of Practice; Election; Nominating; Finance and Audit; and Governance.