Current and Qualified: The Continuing Competence Program - OCSWSSW

Current and Qualified: The Continuing Competence Program

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Organizations that hire College members employ professionals who are accountable for their actions and dedicated to enhancing their practice in an ongoing way. The College’s Continuing Competence Program (CCP) ensures that members remain current in their practice. The CCP requires members to engage in self-assessment and goal-setting on an annual basis to ensure that they continue to learn and develop as professionals throughout their careers.

What is the CCP?

The CCP is a quality assurance program that encourages members to enhance their practice in an ongoing way. In accordance with the Registration Regulation made under the Social Work and Social Service Work Act, the CCP is mandatory for all College members with the exception of those who hold a retired class of certificate of registration.

Based on an adult education model, the CCP requires members on an annual basis to:

  • Review the Standards of Practice.
  • Complete a self-assessment based on those principles.
  • Set goals and carry out learning activities based on their self-assessment.

CCP learning activities are defined broadly and may include attending courses or workshops, reading journal articles, conducting research and much more.

Funding for professional development

Employers can support their employees in meeting their CCP obligations by sharing information about the Social Workers and Social Service Workers Professional Development Fund. Created by the Ontario Government, the Fund can be used toward learning activities needed to meet the requirements of the CCP.

Field education

Did you know that College members can use field education toward the completion of their CCP? College members are free to choose what activities they will work on to achieve their learning goals, which may include providing field education to social work/social service work students as part of their practice.

The CCP supports members as they strive for ethical and professional practice; it is one of the many ways the College fulfills its public protection mandate. For more information about the CCP, please visit our website or contact Employers can also view the College’s introductory video on the CCP.