Chair: Molly Luu, Public Member
The mandate of the Election Committee is to:
- Set the date for each election.
- Determine the procedures to be followed in carrying out an election and a recount procedure which are not specified in the bylaws.
- Determine disputes as to whether a registrant is eligible to nominate a candidate to stand for election or to vote.
- Carry out the functions set out in the bylaws.
In 2023:
- An election was conducted for social workers and social service workers in Electoral District No. 3 on May 25, 2023. A call for nominations was sent to over 12,000 eligible voters.
- Two social work registrants and two social service work registrants were elected to three-year terms beginning September 2023 and ending the first Council meeting after the next election in Electoral District No. 3, scheduled for May 2026.
- The election process was available online, including the call for nominations and the voting process. The following candidates received the greatest number of votes:
- Gigi Goary, RSW
- Sana Imran, RSW
- Charlene Crews, RSSW
- Madimba Tshibuabua, RSSW
- The College accepted a resignation from the elected social worker for Electoral District No. 2, which created a vacancy on Council. Bylaw No. 36 required the College to identify social work registrants from District No. 2 willing to serve on Council for the remainder of the term. The current elected members of the Council voted to elect Daniel Afram, RSW, to fill the vacancy.