New Online Booking System for Workplace Presentations and Practice Consultations Now Available!

The College is excited to announce a new online booking system to request workplace presentations and practice consultations with the Professional Practice Department. This new system will streamline requests to consult with the Professional Practice staff about an ethical or practice dilemma that registrants are facing. Through the online booking system, employers and registrants can select specific areas of focus for their practice consultation, including: the Continuing Competency Program (CCP); out-of-province practice; and general consultation.…

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What Employers Need to Know about the Administration of Naloxone

The College is pleased to share the following information with employers to ensure they are up to date with the guidance around the administration of Naloxone. In December 2023, College Council approved the revision to the Appendix on the administration of Naloxone, which forms part of the Practice Guidelines for Medication Practices. The revisions to the Appendix on the administration of Naloxone clarifies that College registrants with the appropriate training can administer Naloxone without a formal delegation…

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2024 Annual Meeting and Education Day

The Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers is happy to announce that it will be holding its virtual Annual Meeting & Education Day (AMED) on Tuesday, June 4, 2024, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST.  Employers are encouraged to share this great educational opportunity with their social work and social service work staff members. College registrants can use their attendance at this year’s AMED towards their 2024 Continuing Competence Program (CCP). WHAT TO EXPECT AT…

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The Power of Conversation in Psychotherapy With Roxanne Francis, MSW, RSW

Starting a conversation is always the first step towards making progress, says Roxanne Francis, MSW, RSW.  For over 15 years, Roxanne, a registered social worker, acclaimed psychotherapist and renowned international speaker, has profoundly impacted countless lives through the power of conversation. Her passion for initiating dialogue was sparked by pressing societal issues, such as inadequate mental health resources and gaps of representation in the profession.  “My love of people drew me to the field of…

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Practice Notes: What Clients Are Sharing With The College

Practice Notes is an educational tool designed to help Ontario social workers, social service workers, employers and members of the public gain a better understanding of recurring issues dealt with by the College’s Professional Practice Department and Complaints Committee that may affect everyday practice. The notes offer general guidance only and College registrants7 with specific practice inquiries should consult the College, since the relevant standards and appropriate course of action will vary depending on the…

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Message from the Registrar and CEO: Maintaining Client Safety – A Collaborative Responsibility

As the provincial regulator for social workers and social service workers, the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (the College) is responsible for maintaining client safety. However, this fundamental responsibility is not ours alone. It is part of a broader public protection infrastructure, meaning we must work collaboratively with key community partners, including employers, on this commitment.   Several articles in this current issue of the Employer Communiqué address our shared responsibility…

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Navigating Mandatory Reporting – What Employers Need to Know

Employers of social workers and social service workers have a legal responsibility to understand the College’s mandatory reporting process, and when necessary, to submit a report with the College. A report shares concerns related to the practice or conduct of a College registrant. “The mandatory reporting process alerts the College when there is a concern that a social worker or social service worker is not practising safely,” said Richelle Samuel, the College’s Director of Complaints…

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FAQs – Reporting Job Applicants who aren’t Registered with the College

As an employer, it is your responsibility to exercise due diligence when hiring a social worker or social service worker. Individuals who use the protected titles illegally or who falsely present themselves as a social worker or social service worker are considered unregulated practitioners and put the public at risk. Always check the Online Register before hiring. Here are some tips on what to do if you are in the hiring process and think that an individual is…

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Survey Findings Regarding Employers Paying Registration and Renewal Fees – What Employers Need to Know

The College recently conducted a brief survey to gain insight into employer practices related to registration fees for social workers and social service workers. These valuable insights help the College gain a better understanding of employer practices and how employers support their social work and social service work staff members. When asked if their organization covers the cost of the College annual renewal fee for social work or social service work employees, almost 82% of…

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2023 Educational Forum – Videos Now Available

The College held its annual virtual Educational Forum on November 30, 2023. The recording of the event is now available by visiting the College website or YouTube channel. In addition to a short College Update from Registrar and CEO Denitha Breau, RN, MSN, MBA, the Forum included a panel discussion entitled Supporting Clients with Care and Competence Through Intimate Partner Violence, facilitated by the College’s Director of Professional Practice, Christina Van Sickle, MSW, RSW. The expert panel explored…

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Message from the Registrar and CEO

Insights and Collaboration with Social Work and Social Service Work Employers The Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (the College) recently held a virtual webinar for employers located in northern Ontario. The webinar was a wonderful opportunity to continue working collaboratively with employers. The College’s Director of Complaints and Discipline, Richelle Samuel, Registration Manager, Susanne Pacheco, and Registrant and Renewal Manager, Paul Cucci, facilitated the webinar. The webinar focused on titles and…

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Revised Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice – What Employers Need to Know

Earlier this fall, the College finalized revisions to its Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice, which is now available to view on the College’s website!  The Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice was revised following a robust consultation process to ensure that updates reflect societal changes and the current practice landscape, with a further focus on public benefit. The changes affect ALL social workers and social service workers, regardless of their employer or…

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