Employer Resources

Employers play an important role in helping the College fulfil its mandate of public protection. Click on the resources for employers of social workers and social service workers below to learn more. Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice Privacy Toolkit The Online Register Mandatory Reports Continuing Competence Program (CCP) Information for Employers Employer Quiz Perspective Newsletter For more resources, please visit the College’s new Resource Room.

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College Update: Eventual Implementation of Entry-to-Practice Exams

On September 10, 2021, College Council passed a motion to approve entry-to-practice exams for social work and social service work applicants to the College. Once implemented in 2027, all applicants will be required to complete the exam successfully as part of the College’s registration requirements. Entry-to-practice exams are an additional tool that help measure applicants’ readiness to practise, ensuring that only those with specific qualifications are eligible for registration. The development and implementation of the…

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Don’t Miss Out! 2022 Annual Meeting and Education Day

The Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers is happy to announce that it will be holding its virtual Annual Meeting & Education Day (AMED) on Friday, June 10, 2022 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST. AMED is part of the Glenda McDonald Educational Series. Employers are encouraged to share this great educational opportunity with their social work and social service work staff members. College members can use their attendance at this…

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FAQ: What Titles Can OCSWSSW Members Use?

In Ontario, only the following protected titles and designations, their abbreviations and French equivalents can be used by, or in reference to, people registered with the College: Social worker (« travailleuse/travailleur social(e) »)Registered social worker (« travailleuse/travailleur social(e) inscrit(e)»)Social service worker (« technicienne/technicien en travail social »)Registered social service worker (« technicienne/technicien en travail social inscrit(e) ») What titles cannot be used by or in reference to College members? The Registration Regulation O. Reg. 383/00…

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Practice Notes: Navigating Conflicts of Interest

Download the PDF Practice Notes is an educational tool designed to help Ontario social workers, social service workers, employers and members of the public gain a better understanding of recurring issues dealt with by the Professional Practice Department and the Complaints Committee that may affect everyday practice. The Practice Notes offer general guidance only and College members with specific practice inquiries should consult the College, since the relevant standards and appropriate course of action will…

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College Update

COVID-19 Response and Practice Considerations for Social Workers, Social Service Workers and Their Employers The College remains committed to providing updates regarding the COVID-19 pandemic with members and other stakeholders. We continue to take our cues from government and public health authorities, and we remind employers and members to do the same. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact members, employers, and the clients and communities they serve, we recognize that employers have had to…

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Employer Profile: Nadia Rainville, RSW

Nadia Rainville, RSW, is a supervisor at Centre Victoria pour femmes, a non-profit agency in the Greater Sudbury and Algoma regions that provides services to French-speaking women who are affected by violence. She is also a part-time professor in the social work program at Collège Boréal. The Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers was pleased to interview Nadia about her role and responsibilities at the agency, the importance of hiring College members,…

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Interview with Cheryl McPherson, RSW, on Ethical and Competent Responses to Anti-Indigenous Racism

The Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers invites employers and their social worker and social service worker employees to watch our video interview with Cheryl McPherson, RSW, on ethical and competent responses to anti-Indigenous racism. The College’s conversation with McPherson, a Haudenosaunee woman, covers a range of important topics, from land acknowledgements to police involvement in mental health wellness checks to College registration. It is in a spoken-word format inspired by the…

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What Is the Purpose of the College’s Complaints Committee?

As part of its duty to serve and protect the public interest, the College is required to have a formal complaints process, which gives members of the public the ability to have their complaint about a social worker or social service worker’s conduct or action submitted to the College’s Complaints Committee. The Complaints Committee – on which Council members serve – is composed of experienced social workers, social service workers and members of the public.…

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COVID-19 Update: Practice Considerations for Social Workers, Social Service Workers and Their Employers

As the Ontario government gradually lifts remaining public health and workplace safety measures over the next six months, the College is providing an update around practice considerations for social workers and social service workers and their employers. Using professional judgment The College continues to take its cues from government and public health authorities, and we remind employers and members to do the same. The College is advising members and employers to use their professional judgment when…

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Reporting Obligations: Misrepresenting Professional Qualifications

What does it mean when a social worker or social service worker misrepresents their professional qualifications? According to the Professional Misconduct Regulation, under the Social Work and Social Service Work Act, a social worker or social service worker misrepresents their professional qualifications when they commit one or more of the following offenses: inappropriately uses a term, title or designation in respect of the member’s practice;fails to identify themselves as a social worker or social service worker to a…

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Practice Notes: The Evolving Landscape of Electronic Practice

Download the PDF Practice Notes is an educational tool designed to help Ontario social workers, social service workers, employers and members of the public gain a better understanding of recurring issues dealt with by the Professional Practice Department and the Complaints Committee that may affect everyday practice. The notes offer general guidance only and College members with specific practice inquiries should consult the College, since the relevant standards and appropriate course of action will vary…

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