2020 College Fees

As the regulatory body for social workers and social service workers in Ontario, the College has a responsibility to protect the public from unqualified, incompetent and unfit practitioners. The College fulfills its mandate by: Regulating the practice of social work and social service work and governing its members.Setting entry-to-practice requirements to ensure that only those with specialized educational qualifications are eligible for registration.Setting, maintaining and ensuring that all members follow the Standards of Practice.Requiring members…

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2019 College Fees

As the regulatory body for social workers and social service workers in Ontario, the College has a responsibility to protect the public from unqualified, incompetent and unfit practitioners. The College fulfills its mandate by: Regulating the practice of social work and social service work and governing its members.Setting entry-to-practice requirements to ensure that only those with specialized educational qualifications are eligible for registration.Setting, maintaining and ensuring that all members follow the Standards of Practice.Requiring members to engage in ongoing…

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CCP Evaluation

The CCP evaluation is complete – we value your input! In 2014, the College engaged Harry Cummings and Associates (HCA) to undertake a review of the Continuing Competence Program (CCP). The comprehensive evaluation included five focus groups conducted across the province and an online Member Survey. Members were eager to participate in the evaluation, through the survey and the focus groups, and the response rate was extremely high. We want to thank all of our…

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Slight Increase to College Fees in 2016 – Here’s How and Why

At its September 2014 meeting, the College Council made a carefully considered decision to increase College fees into 2017. The new fees for 2016 will be as follows: The annual renewal fee for College members is $280.The registration fee for new members is $280.The new graduate fee is $180 ($100 less than the regular fee). All of the fees above have increased by $5 over the previous year. The registration fee for members in the…

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