

College Council recently approved the Equity and Inclusion Data Initiative Policy. Beginning in the upcoming 2024 renewal period, which will start in late November 2023, registrants will be invited to share their demographic information with the College. This initiative is part of the College actioning our commitments to diversity, equity and inclusion.  Q: Why is the College asking registrants to voluntarily provide sociodemographic data?  A: Collecting this data supports the Equity and Inclusion Data Initiative,…

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The Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (the College) is happy to announce that it will be holding its virtual Educational Forum on the morning of Thursday, November 30, 2023.  In addition to a College update from Denitha Breau, Registrar and CEO, the Educational Forum will include a keynote panel discussion entitled Supporting Clients with Care and Competence Through Intimate Partner Violence. The College's Director of Professional Practice, Christina Van Sickle, MSW,…

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Call for Nominations: Social Work Vacancy on Council

The Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (the College) has recently accepted a resignation from the elected social worker for Electoral District No. 2 and there is now a social work vacancy on Council. We encourage you to submit an expression of interest to fill this vacancy and serve on Council. To fill the vacancy, the College is looking for a social work registrant from District No. 2 to serve on Council…

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OCSWSSW Virtual Employer Webinar

ATTENTION EMPLOYERS IN NORTHERN ONTARIO On November 8, 2023, the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (the College) is hosting a virtual event for employers in Electoral District #1.Electoral District #1 is comprised of northern Ontario and includes the following areas: Kenora Sault St. Marie North Bay Fort Frances Timmis Rainy River Thunder Bay Cochrane Timiskaming Sudbury Algoma Manitoulin Parry Sound Nipissing Muskoka If you’re an employer in one of these regions, the…

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College Office Closed for National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

The Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (the College) will be closed on Monday, October 2nd in recognition of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation is an opportunity for all Canadians to learn about and reflect on the dark chapter in the country’s history, honour the children who never came home and to commemorate the survivors of the residential “school” system, their families and…

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2023-2024 College Council Remains Committed to Protecting Ontarians

The Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (the College), is pleased to announce the 2023/2024 College Council. “Our registrants, social workers and social service workers, play a crucial role in the well-being of Ontarians,” said Council Chair John Fleming, who was re-elected to the position on September 7. “They represent the largest workforce of mental health professionals in Ontario, delivering services in diverse settings such as schools, the justice system, hospitals, communities…

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Council Highlights for September 7-8, 2023

September 7, 2023 The following Council members were elected by Council to the Executive Committee: John Fleming, Public member – Council Chair Sanjay Govindaraj, RSW – Vice-Chair Carrie McEachran, Public member – Executive Member Elayne Tanner, RSW – Executive Member Madimba Tshibuabua, RSSW – Executive Member Sue-Ellen Merritt, RSSW – Executive Member September 8, 2023 Council reviewed and approved the recommendations of the Nominating Committee with respect to statutory and non-statutory committee membership and chairs.…

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College’s Revised Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice Now Available

The Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (the College) is excited to share that the revised Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice were recently approved by College Council and are now available for you to view on the College’s website! Thank you to all registrants who provided us with their insights – your feedback helped to refine and revise the minimum standards of practice for professional and ethical care in Ontario. Revisions to the Code…

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Council Meeting Highlights for May 1, 2023

Council declared Carrie McEachran, public member, elected to the Executive Committee by acclamation until the end of the 2022-23 Council year. John Fleming, Council Chair, provided his report to Council. Council approved a number of decisions around the implementation of recommendations from the governance review including changes to the election process for prospective candidates seeking election to College Council. These changes include additional screening using a Council Member Profile which describes governance attributes and competencies.…

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Message from the Registrar and CEO

Employer Engagement – An Important Regulatory Activity I am delighted to address you in this summer issue of the Employer Communiqué as the incoming Registrar and CEO at the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers. As the largest group of mental health providers in the province, social workers and social service workers are instrumental within the sector now more than ever. In the last three years alone, our registrant base has grown…

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What’s the Difference Between a Social Worker and Social Service Worker?

The difference between a social worker and social service worker? This is one of the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers’ (the College) most frequently asked questions. Social workers work with their clients to address challenges through a process of assessment, diagnosis, treatment and evaluation. Social service workers assist clients in dealing with personal and social problems by delivering counselling, community services and social support programs. Both social workers and social service workers assist…

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Employer Profile – Shelley Watt Proulx, MSW, RSW

Shelley Watt Proulx, MSW, RSW Shelley Watt Proulx, MSW, RSW is the Director, Mental Health and Addiction at Sagamok Anishnawbek. Located on the North Shore of Lake Huron, Sagamok Anishnawbek delivers programs and services to community members as well as to members living outside of the Sagamok community. The Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers was pleased to interview Shelley about her role at Sagamok, her professional journey as a social worker…

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