
Discipline Decision Summary – Sheri Anne Ongena

The College publishes summaries of decisions of the Discipline Committee and/or provides links to full-text, neutralized versions of its decisions. Information that is subject to a publication ban or that could reveal the identity of witnesses or clients, including the name of the facility, has been removed as necessary, or has been anonymized. As of January 2019, decisions are also available via the Canadian Legal Information Institute (CanLII). By publishing decisions, the College endeavours to:…

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DEI Task Group Meeting Highlights – April 11, 2022

Task Group Co-Chair, Brian Seng-Low, RSW, read a Land Acknowledgement and provided reflections on his own learning and experiences with respect to Reconciliation and the land.Co-Chair, Brian Seng-Low, RSW, welcomed the Task Group members to the meeting.Task Group member Sandra Southwind, RSW set the intention for the meeting.The minutes from the January 11, 2022 and February 16, 2022 meetings of the Task Group were reviewed.Uppala Chandrasekera, RSW, provided an overview of the draft Member Census…

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Professional Practice Update: Use of the Title “Psychotherapist” and Other Announcements

In this update: Use of the title “Psychotherapist” and clarification to insurance providers regarding the title “Psychotherapist”Frequently asked questions on practising in another province or jurisdictionReminder: 2022 CCP required readings The Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (the College) is pleased to share the following updates and resources to support members’ practice. Use of the Title “Psychotherapist” Members of the College are authorized to perform the controlled act of psychotherapy in compliance…

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Save the Date for AMED 2022!

The Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers is happy to announce that it will be holding its Annual Meeting & Education Day (AMED) on Friday, June 10, 2022. AMED is part of the Glenda McDonald Educational Series. This year’s theme is Learning and Unlearning in a Changing Landscape. The College is pleased to have Dr. Carol Hopkins, RSW, as the keynote speaker and eight educational sessions that will take place throughout the day on Friday,…

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The Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (the College) has received a number of inquiries regarding the correct use of titles and designations. The following information is intended to clarify which titles and designations members may use. Protected titles In Ontario, the following protected titles and designations, their abbreviations and French equivalents can only be used by, or in reference to, individuals registered with the College. Social workerRegistered social workerSocial service workerRegistered…

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ASWB Is Seeking Registered Social Workers to Join their Practice Analysis Task Force and an Update on Entry-to-Practice Exams

The following includes messaging sent on behalf of the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB). The ASWB is a non-profit organization composed of and owned by the social worker regulatory boards and colleges of all 50 U.S. states and all 10 Canadian provinces, including the College. Message from the ASWB The ASWB is seeking registered social workers to volunteer to join their Practice Analysis Task Force. Selected participants will provide subject matter expertise to the…

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Message from the Registrar and CEO: Practice Considerations as Ontario Makes Changes to Masking Mandates

As noted in its recent announcement, effective March 21, 2022, the Ontario government is making changes to masking mandates - masks will no longer be required, except for public transit, health care settings, long-term care homes and congregate care settings. In light of this recent announcement, the College advises social workers and social service workers to review the following: Practice Considerations In making decisions about their practice, members should first determine how the changes to…

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College Update

COVID-19 Response and Practice Considerations for Social Workers, Social Service Workers and Their Employers The College remains committed to providing updates regarding the COVID-19 pandemic with members and other stakeholders. We continue to take our cues from government and public health authorities, and we remind employers and members to do the same. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact members, employers, and the clients and communities they serve, we recognize that employers have had to…

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Employer Profile: Nadia Rainville, RSW

Nadia Rainville, RSW, is a supervisor at Centre Victoria pour femmes, a non-profit agency in the Greater Sudbury and Algoma regions that provides services to French-speaking women who are affected by violence. She is also a part-time professor in the social work program at Collège Boréal. The Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers was pleased to interview Nadia about her role and responsibilities at the agency, the importance of hiring College members,…

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Interview with Cheryl McPherson, RSW, on Ethical and Competent Responses to Anti-Indigenous Racism

The Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers invites employers and their social worker and social service worker employees to watch our video interview with Cheryl McPherson, RSW, on ethical and competent responses to anti-Indigenous racism. The College’s conversation with McPherson, a Haudenosaunee woman, covers a range of important topics, from land acknowledgements to police involvement in mental health wellness checks to College registration. It is in a spoken-word format inspired by the…

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What Is the Purpose of the College’s Complaints Committee?

As part of its duty to serve and protect the public interest, the College is required to have a formal complaints process, which gives members of the public the ability to have their complaint about a social worker or social service worker’s conduct or action submitted to the College’s Complaints Committee. The Complaints Committee – on which Council members serve – is composed of experienced social workers, social service workers and members of the public.…

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DEI Task Group Meeting Highlights – February 16, 2022

Chair Sanjay Govindaraj, RSW welcomed the Task Group members to the meeting.The Task Group engaged in a facilitated discussion with Uppala Chandrasekera, RSW, to provide feedback as to issues to be addressed and what should be included in the Member Census/Data Collection Policy that will support the collection of race-based and other demographic data on a voluntary basis as part of the College’s renewal process, approved by Council in December 2021.

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