
2021 Educational Forum

On October 27, 2021, the College invited members to participate in its virtual Educational Forum. The Educational Forums are part of the College’s Glenda McDonald Educational Series. These half-day events are an excellent opportunity for members to stay connected with the College and gain valuable knowledge through the following agenda: OCSWSSW update Keynote address Keynote Q&As October 27 Educational Forum Date: Wednesday, October 27, 2021Time: 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Keynote Address: The role of social service…

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Message from the Registrar and CEO

In his 1967 speech to Philadelphia high school students, the civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. said: “If you can’t fly, run. If you can’t run, walk. If you can’t walk, crawl, but by all means, keep moving.” Since March 2020, we have encountered many changes and obstacles. The “new normal” of the pandemic has caused pain and anxiety for so many, yet it has also compelled us to re-examine the world in which…

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Stay Tuned! Ethical and Competent Responses to Anti-Indigenous Racism

This fall, the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers will be conducting a video interview with Cheryl McPherson, RSW, which will cover the intersection of social work and social service work and Reconciliation. McPherson is a proud Haudenosaunee woman who currently teaches at Centennial College’s Addiction and Mental Health Workers Program. She has been a practising social worker since 2005, primarily working with Indigenous clients and women who have been trafficked. “Indigenous…

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In Case You Missed It

Coming Soon! Renew Your College Membership for 2022 The College would like to remind all members that the renewal season for the year 2022 will commence in early November. The deadline for members to complete their membership renewal and payment for the year 2022 is December 31, 2021. Members can renew their membership and pay their annual fee through the College’s online member services. New members who were issued a certificate of registration at any…

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New Council Roster for 2021/2022

The Council is the 21-member governing body and board of directors that manages and administers College affairs. Durel Allen – Elected Social Worker Durel Allen is a registered social worker with almost 15 years of experience in social work, having practised in the United States, Jamaica and Canada. Her cross-cultural experience has afforded her a keen sense of cultural sensitivity that comes with working with various populations in a variety of social contexts, including intimate…

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DEI Task Group Update

The College’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Task Group is making progress on its mission to help the College achieve its strategic priority of increasing diversity, equity and inclusion. The Task Group consists of five Council members and five non-Council members of the College, who were selected from among the 112 expressions of interest which were submitted by College members. While it was not possible to fully represent the diversity of the Ontario public and…

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What You Need to Know: All About Professional Corporations

Are you a social worker or social service worker who is interested in establishing a professional corporation in Ontario? Under the Social Work and Social Service Work Act (SWSSWA), its bylaws and the Business Corporations Act, members of the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers are permitted to incorporate for the purpose of practising social work or social service work. To do so, College members must adhere to all conditions and requirements in both…

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Coming soon: Member Renewals 2022

As a member of the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers, you must pay your membership fees annually, by December 31. Keeping your membership current is important. It demonstrates your commitment to professional, ethical, qualified and accountable practice. It also says something important about the professions of social work and social service work as a whole, and about you as an individual practitioner. The renewal season will commence in early November 2021. You…

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Professional Practice Update: Updates to MAID Resource and Other Announcements

In this update: College Updates MAID Resource for MembersSAVE THE DATE! Educational ForumODSP Revises Disability Determination Package and Medical Review Package Self ReportOnline Mental Health and Substance Use Supports for Health care Workers and Primary Care Providers The Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (the College) is pleased to share the following information and resources to support members’ practice: College Revises MAID Resource for Members The College recently has updated its medical…

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Professional Practice Update: Practice Considerations around Provincial Vaccination Mandate and College’s Upcoming Review of the Standards of Practice

The Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (the College) would like to share the following information and resources to support members’ practice. Practice considerations around vaccination Over the last few months, the College’s Professional Practice Team has seen an increase in practice-related inquiries around proof of vaccination requirements. Members are advised to continue to follow previously communicated practice recommendations about in-person practice, regardless of the vaccination status of their clients. All previous…

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Register Now for the College’s 2021 Educational Forum!

The Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (the College) invites you to attend its Educational Forum on Wednesday October 27, 2021. The Educational Forum is part of the Glenda McDonald Educational Series. What to Expect Following the success of this year’s two-day virtual Annual Meeting and Education Day (AMED), which reached over 2,000 members, and as part of the College’s ongoing efforts to increase equity and inclusion, this year’s Educational Forum will be hosted entirely…

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