
Message from the Registrar and CEO: Acknowledging the Rise in Anti-Semitism and the College’s Role as Regulator

As Registrar and CEO of the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (the College), I would like to provide an update on a recent communication received by the College in relation to issues of diversity, equity and inclusion and the College’s role, mandate and communications. As the College has noted previously, societal expectations change and evolve, and long overdue discussions and upheaval are taking place, rightfully challenging systems of oppression. For the…

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PHIPA Toolkit

On November 1, 2004, the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA) came into force. The purpose of PHIPA is to provide consistent and comprehensive rules governing the collection, use, retention, disclosure and disposal of personal health information in the custody and control of health information custodians. Health information custodians, such as hospitals and long-term care facilities, employ many social workers and social service workers. Additionally, social workers or social service workers in private practice or…

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Revisit the 2021 Annual Meeting and Education Day Online!

The College held its first ever two-day virtual Annual Meeting and Education Day (AMED) on June 17 and 18, 2021.  Over 2,000 members registered for this year’s event with more than 1,500 members tuning in live on our virtual portal and many more viewing the presentations on-demand, making this year’s AMED a tremendous success!  We invite you to revisit the event — the theme of which was Diversity and Change in Society and Practice —…

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Professional Practice Update: 2021 CCP Reminder and Survey for Clinical Staff and Mental Health Providers

The Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (the College) is pleased to share the following information and resources to support members’ practice. 2021 CCP Reminder With the second half of the year underway, the College would like to remind all members to begin to work on their 2021 Continuing Competence Program (CCP) if they haven’t started already. Participation in the CCP is a condition of registration and one of the ways that…

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2021 Election Results for Electoral District No. 4

On Thursday, May 27, 2021 the College held its Council elections in Electoral District No. 4. The Elections Committee has now declared the following candidates elected in Electoral District No. 4 to serve on the College Council for a three-year term, beginning September 9, 2021. Election results Social service work category:The following members of the College are the candidates who were acclaimed in the social service work category Amanda Bettencourt, RSSWSue-Ellen Merritt, RSSW Social work…

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COVID-19 Update: Practice Considerations as Ontario Moves into Step Three of “Roadmap to Reopen” Plan

The Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (the College) anticipates that the Ontario Government’s announcement to move the province into Step Three of its “Roadmap to Reopen” plan on July 16, 2021 may prompt questions from members regarding their return to practice. As noted in a previous eBulletin, though we are hopeful by improvements in the vaccination rate and public health and healthcare indicators, the College continues to urge social workers and…

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DEI Task Group Meeting Highlights – June 29, 2021

Council Co-Chair Sanjay Govindaraj, RSW, welcomed the Task Group members and led a round of introductions at which Task Group members shared some of their background, lived experiences and reasons for their interest in being part of the Task Group.Brian Seng-Low, RSSW, was selected by Task Group members as non-Council Co-Chair.The Registrar and CEO, Lise Betteridge, gave an overview of self-regulation, the legislative framework under the Social Work and Social Service Work Act, governance and…

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College Statement on the 751 Unmarked Graves Discovered in Cowessess First Nation

The Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (the College) is deeply saddened by the discovery of 751 unmarked graves on the grounds of the former Marieval Indian Residential School in Cowessess First Nation in Saskatchewan. This discovery serves as further evidence of Canada’s long history of violence against Indigenous peoples. We mourn with the communities who have lost loved ones and continue to experience pain as a result of Canada’s shameful residential…

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2021 AMED

The Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers' Annual Meeting & Education Day (AMED) took place on Thursday, June 17 & Friday, June 18, 2021. Watch videos from the 2021 Annual Meeting and Education Day! Annual Meeting - Welcome Message Annual Meeting - President's Report Annual Meeting - Registrar's Report Annual Meeting - Auditor's Report Annual Meeting - Question Period Keynote Address with Dr. Keith Adamson, RSW…

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COVID-19 Update: Ontario Moves into Step One of “Roadmap to Reopen” Plan

On Friday, June 11th, 2021, the Ontario government moved the province into Step One of its “Roadmap to Reopen” plan. The provincial government noted that its decision to reopen was based on the province-wide vaccination rate and continuing improvements in key public health and health system indicators. The Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (the College) continues to take its cues from government and public health authorities and to monitor closely how…

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Acknowledging Recent Anti-Muslim Hate Crime and the College’s Role as Regulator

As we are confronted with further horrifying evidence of racism in Canada, the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (the College) would like to acknowledge the anti-Muslim hate crime which just took place in London, Ontario. As President of the College Council and on behalf of the College, I condemn this horrific act of racism and violence, which took place in my city. We continue to consider our role as regulator very…

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