
Council Meeting Highlights for September 9-10, 2020

The Council is the 21-member governing body and board of directors that manages and administers College affairs. The policies developed by Council provide direction to the College and to staff. September 9, 2020 The following Council members were elected by Council to the Executive Committee:Toula Kourgiantakis, RSW – PresidentMukesh Kowlessar, RSSW – Vice-PresidentDéirdre Smith, Public Member – Vice-PresidentSanjay Govindaraj, RSW – Executive MemberShelley Hale, RSSW – Executive MemberPamela Murphy, Public Member – Executive MemberCouncil reviewed…

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OCSWSSW Council Election Results

The Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (OCSWSSW) is pleased to announce the election of Toula Kourgiantakis, RSW as Council President, and the election of the Council Executive Committee for 2020/21. “It’s a great honour to be elected by my colleagues to serve as President of the College Council,” said Toula, who was elected on September 9, 2020. “We’re entering a pivotal time in the College’s history as we look to implement…

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Reminder – Attend the College’s 2020 Annual Meeting and Keynote Address

The Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers would like to remind College members of its upcoming 2020 Annual Meeting and keynote address. This year’s event will take place entirely via livestream on Thursday, September 3, 2020 as follows: Annual Meeting: 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.Keynote Address: 11 a.m. to noon During the livestream, members will be able to participate by asking questions and/or making comments. Participants will be able to submit their…

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NEW! Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Webpage

The College recently launched a Equity, Diversity and Inclusion webpage for members, employers and other stakeholders. The new webpage reflects the College’s commitment to continuing its work on issues of equity, diversity and inclusion as they relate to the materials that we develop and our organizational practices and processes. As noted in the 2020-2023 Strategic Plan, College Council identified increasing equity, diversity and inclusion as a strategic priority of the College. The broad objectives within…

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Mandatory Mask-Wearing During COVID-19

Are social workers and social service workers required to wear masks while providing in-person services to clients? The Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers is committed to providing practice support to its members. This includes providing health and safety guidance and resources during COVID-19 in an effort to protect the health and well-being of our members as well as the clients and communities they serve. The College has previously issued guidance to…

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The College’s Council Election Results Are In!

The College recently held an election of Council members in Electoral District No. 3. The Electoral District No. 3 is composed of the geographic area within the territorial boundaries of the Counties of Haliburton, Victoria, Peterborough, Northumberland and Simcoe, the Regional Municipalities of Durham, York and Peel and the City of Toronto. Election Results The following members of the College are the candidates who received the greatest number of votes in the election in the…

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Save the Date! Upcoming College Events

The College is moving ahead with its event schedule, but with one notable change. In light of the ongoing impacts related to the COVID-19 pandemic, many College events this fall 2020 will be hosted entirely online via livestream. Participating in a College event is a great way for College members and their employers to stay up to date on College and broader regulatory affairs, as well as new developments that impact social work and social…

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What Information Is Available on the College’s Online Register?

As part of its mandate to protect the public interest, the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers maintains an Online Register of registered social workers (RSWs) and registered social service workers (RSSWs) in Ontario. The Online Register is accessible to the public and contains information required under the Social Work and Social Service Work Act and the College’s bylaws. An easy-to-use tool, the Online Register includes the following information about social workers…

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Message from the Registrar and CEO: Changes to Ontario’s Child Welfare System

The Ontario government recently released a plan to modernize the province’s child welfare system. Focused on prevention, early intervention and more permanent homes for children and youth in care, the strategy is built around five pillars: supporting child, youth, family and community well-being;improving quality of care;strengthening youth supports;improving stability and permanency; andincreasing system accountability and sustainability. The system redesign was developed with input from a diverse array of stakeholders. The strategy was released alongside two…

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2020 Election Results for Electoral District No. 3

On Thursday, July 23, 2020 the College held its Council elections in Electoral District No. 3. The Elections Committee has now declared the following candidates elected in Electoral District No. 3 to serve on the College Council for a three-year term, beginning September 9, 2020. Electoral District No. 3 is composed of the geographic area within the territorial boundaries of the Counties of Haliburton, Victoria, Peterborough, Northumberland and Simcoe, the Regional Municipalities of Durham, York…

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Attend the College’s 2020 Annual Meeting and Keynote Address via Livestream

The Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers invites College members to the 2020 Annual Meeting and keynote address. When: Thursday, September 3, 2020Where: via livestreamWho should attend: College members In light of the ongoing impacts related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the College has replaced this year’s Annual Meeting and Education Day with a scaled-down version of the event. We are pleased to provide members with the opportunity to attend the Annual Meeting…

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