
Message from the Registrar and CEO: Systemic Racism, Mental Health Checks and the College’s Regulatory Role

As Registrar and CEO for the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (the College), I would like to take this opportunity to provide an update with respect to recent College communications on issues related to anti-Black, anti-Indigenous and other forms of systemic racism while clarifying our regulatory role and public protection mandate. In light of recent events, we must first recognize and communicate our shared concern about incidents involving police use of…

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Message from the Registrar and CEO: Important Updates for College Registrants and Other Stakeholders

As Registrar and CEO for the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (the College), I would like to take this opportunity to connect and provide you with a couple of updates. Marking the College’s 20th Anniversary This year, the College has reached an important milestone – its 20th anniversary. I must say that in the midst of a global pandemic, worldwide mobilization against anti-Black racism, and the incredibly important and ongoing dialogue…

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Strategic Plan 2020-2023: An Overview of the Process and the College’s New Guiding Priorities

At the end of 2019, the Council of the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (the College) embarked on a strategic planning process to identify the future direction and priorities for the College for the next four years. The result of this process was the newly approved Strategic Plan 2020-2023. In this communication, we are pleased to share: the Strategic Plan, including key priorities and objectives;a Strategy Map, showing the Strategic Plan…

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Message from the Registrar and CEO: Recognizing and Reflecting Upon Anti-Black Racism

Also in this message: Ongoing Impact of COVID-19Security Considerations for Electronic Practice As Registrar and CEO for the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (the College), I wanted to take this opportunity to recognize the worldwide mobilization against anti-Black racism following the recent and horrifying events in the United States and Canada. A dialogue around these social justice issues is not only essential but long overdue. The College recognizes that profound societal,…

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Important Notice: The Online Register and Chrome

Individuals using the Chrome internet browser may experience difficulty accessing the College’s Online Register. We are looking into the issue and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. To access the Online Register, for the time being, we recommend that visitors use an alternative internet browser, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox and others. For further information, please contact

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View the College’s 2019 Annual Report Online

The College’s 2019 Annual Report is now available on the College website. The theme of this year’s Annual Report is Reaching new heights. The 2019 Annual Report highlights the College’s activities over the past year and includes the following: Joint Message from the President and the Registrar & CEO2019 Accomplishments2019 Committee ReportsIndependent Auditor's Report We are pleased to introduce a new web version of the Annual Report – part of the College’s commitment to leveraging…

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Critical Considerations for Members in Private Practice Regarding In-Person Practice

The Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (the College) is issuing the following considerations for members who work in private practice and are looking for guidance in planning when and how to return to providing in-person services. As the Province moves forward with stage 1 of its Framework for Reopening, the College has already provided a number of important considerations for all members regarding their return to practice, in both a May…

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Important Update from the Registrar and CEO Regarding In-Person Practice

As the Ontario Government moves forward with its reopening framework, the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (the College) continues to assess the significant impact COVID-19 has on our members and other stakeholders. We recognize that this continues to be an extremely challenging time - both personally and professionally. Ministry of Health Directive On May 26, 2020, Ontario’s Acting Chief Medical Officer of Health amended Directive #2 for Health Care Providers as…

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Professional Practice Update: 2020 CCP Reminder & Supervision Webinar

Reminder: Continuing Competence Program Participation in the Continuing Competence Program (CCP) is a condition of registration and one of the ways that members demonstrate their commitment to professional and ethical practice. While the College recognizes the ongoing impact that COVID-19 has on members, all members (with the exception of those in the retired class of certificate of registration) are required nevertheless to participate in the CCP. This includes those who are not currently practising, in…

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Further Considerations as Province Implements Stage 1 of its Framework for Reopening

The Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (the College) anticipates that the Ontario Government’s recent announcement regarding the first stage in Ontario’s reopening framework may prompt questions from members regarding their return to practice. The Government’s announcement included a detailed list of stage 1 openings which can be found here. Members and other stakeholders can also learn more about stage 1 of the Government’s framework here. The College previously provided members with…

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