
Recent Practice Notes: Administration of Naloxone

The College recently published Practice Notes: Administration of Naloxone, recognizing that social workers and social service workers play an integral role in supporting clients who live with mental health and substance use issues. As a result of the opioid crisis, members may increasingly find themselves in practice situations in which the administration of Naloxone by inhalation or injection is expected as part of their role. The complex issues around the administration of Naloxone highlight the…

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Understanding Ontario’s Missing Persons Act

As a result of Ontario’s Missing Persons Act,  police officers are now able to request confidential client information if they believe that it will assist in finding a missing person. The Missing Persons Act, which came into effect on July 1, 2019, defines a missing person as someone in both of the following circumstances. The person’s whereabouts are unknown and: the person has not been in contact with people who would likely be in contact…

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Important Update Regarding AMED 2020

The College’s Annual Meeting and Education Day (AMED) is a popular event for members and staff alike. Part of the College’s Glenda McDonald Educational Series, AMED features educational activities and provides registered social workers and registered social service workers with an opportunity to network and learn more about the College’s priorities and accomplishments. With this in mind, we are disappointed to announce that this year’s AMED has been postponed and will be replaced with a scaled-down…

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What You Need to Know About High-Priority Applications

We understand that during these challenging times, there remains an ongoing need for applicants to register with the College, as well as a desire for an expedited process to put individuals in a position to contribute during the current COVID-19 pandemic. In the context of the current pandemic, the College has adapted its registration processes where possible, keeping in mind that government approval is needed to change the current requirements of the Registration Regulation. As…

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2020 Council Elections in Electoral District No. 3

ELECTION DATE POSTPONED TO JULY 23, 2020 In response to the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the College has postponed the date of the election for both of the membership categories of social work and social service work to July 23, 2020. Though the College has resumed many regulatory operations remotely, our physical office remains closed and we are not in a position to hold the election as previously scheduled. The postponement of the…

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Important Considerations as Province Moves Towards Reopening

With the recent news that the Ontario Government is extending its provincial emergency orders until May 19, 2020, the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (the College) continues to monitor the impact of COVID-19 on members and other stakeholders. We would like to take this opportunity to provide members with a number of factors to consider as the Province implements its framework for reopening. Adhering to guidance from government and public health…

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Council Meeting Highlights for May 8, 2020

Shelley Hale, RSSW, President, provided her report to Council.Registrar and CEO Lise Betteridge, MSW, RSW, and Deputy Registrar Laura Sheehan presented their report to Council. The report provided updates on: ongoing impacts related to COVID-19, including the College’s remote operations, various communication efforts, professional practice support, and complaints and discipline processes; digital communications, including website and Online Register metrics; outreach initiatives, including the College’s public and employer awareness campaigns; professional practice support; Council elections; registration…

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OCSWSSW Membership Renewals

The College continues to monitor the developments concerning COVID-19, recognizing the significant and ongoing impact that this pandemic has on members and other stakeholders. As the provincial regulator of over 22,600 social workers and social service workers in Ontario, the College continues to make all of its decisions (including those related to registration and renewal fees) through the lens of its ongoing public protection mandate. The College would like to remind all members who have…

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What Members Need to Know: COVID-19

The College continues to monitor the ongoing developments related to COVID-19 and is committed to providing College members and other stakeholders with ongoing updates and information. Professional Practice support While the College’s physical office remains closed, we have resumed many regulatory operations remotely. The Professional Practice team continues to provide practice support and guidance to help College members and protect the public during these challenging times. In order to ensure we provide efficient and timely…

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Practice Notes: Administration of Naloxone

Practice Notes is an educational tool designed to help Ontario social workers, social service workers, employers and members of the public gain a better understanding of recurring issues dealt with by the Professional Practice Department and the Complaints Committee that may affect everyday practice. The notes offer general guidance only and College members with specific practice inquiries should consult the College, since the relevant standards and appropriate course of action will vary depending on the…

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