
Q&A: The Missing Persons Act

Q: I heard that police officers are able to request confidential client information if they believe that it will assist in finding a missing person. Is that true? A: Yes. Ontario’s Missing Persons Act came into effect on July 1, 2019, and defines a missing person as someone in both of the following circumstances. The person’s whereabouts are unknown and: the person has not been in contact with people who would likely be in contact with them;…

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Discipline Decision Summary – Gary Direnfeld

The College publishes summaries of decisions of the Discipline Committee and/or provides links to full-text, neutralized versions of its decisions. Information that is subject to a publication ban or that could reveal the identity of witnesses or clients, including the name of the facility, has been removed as necessary, or has been anonymized. (more…)

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Discipline Decision Summary – Troy Hayden

The College publishes summaries of decisions of the Discipline Committee and/or provides links to full-text, neutralized versions of its decisions. Information that is subject to a publication ban or that could reveal the identity of witnesses or clients, including the name of the facility, has been removed as necessary, or has been anonymized. (more…)

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Discipline Decision Summary – Rozina Shaheen

The College publishes summaries of decisions of the Discipline Committee and/or provides links to full-text, neutralized versions of its decisions. Information that is subject to a publication ban or that could reveal the identity of witnesses or clients, including the name of the facility, has been removed as necessary, or has been anonymized. (more…)

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OCSWSSW Update from the Registrar and CEO

As we reach the sixth week of the provincial state of emergency, I would like to acknowledge once again the significant and ongoing impact that COVID-19 has on members and other stakeholders. The College remains committed to monitoring the pandemic and to providing members and other stakeholders with ongoing updates related to COVID-19 and College operations. Suspending non-essential services Last week, the government of Ontario announced it had extended the Declaration of Emergency until May…

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Attention Applicants: Important Information Regarding High-Priority Applications for Registration

In light of COVID-19, the College has adapted its registration processes where possible, keeping in mind that government approval is needed to change the current requirements of the Registration Regulation. As noted in a recent eBulletin to educators and employers, high-priority applications for registration will be processed on a case-by-case basis. Below are two frequently asked questions which aim to provide further guidance regarding these requests. FAQs I would like to submit a high-priority application…

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Message from the Registrar and CEO: Postponement of Date of Election of Members to Council in Electoral District No. 3

New Date: July 23, 2020 Dear College member: We are writing to you as a College member and voter in Electoral District No. 3 with important information about this year’s election of members to Council. In response to the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the College has postponed the date of the election for both of the membership categories of social work and social service work to July 23, 2020. Though the College has…

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Answers to Your Questions: OCSWSSW Update Regarding COVID-19

The Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (the College) continues to monitor the developments concerning COVID-19. We recognize the significant and ongoing impact the pandemic has on members and other stakeholders, as well as our collective responsibility to do our part to reduce the spread of this virus. New FAQs on College website The College reminds members and other stakeholders to continue to visit the College’s COVID-19 Updates webpage regularly for updates…

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COVID-19 Recommendations for Social Workers and Social Service Workers

The College continues to monitor the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and is providing additional guidance to support its members and protect the public. Governments at all levels and Canada’s public health experts are strongly encouraging the use of widespread social distancing. At this time, we are strongly recommending that College members consider suspending all non-essential social work and social service work services until further notice. Members are advised to use their professional judgment to…

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OCSWSSW Important Notice: Office Closure

To College members and other stakeholders: In light of recent developments concerning COVID-19, the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers has closed its offices until further notice. The College made this very difficult decision in order to protect its staff and stakeholders, recognizing that we all have a shared responsibility to take steps to reduce the spread of the virus. Please note that the closure means that all College operations and services…

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