

The Discipline Committee’s Decision and Reason for Decision is published pursuant to the Discipline Committee’s penalty order. The College publishes summaries of decisions and/or provides links to full-text, neutralized versions of its decisions. Information that is subject to a publication ban or that could reveal the identity of witnesses or clients, including the name of the facility, has been removed or has been anonymized. By publishing this summary, the College endeavours to: Illustrate for social workers,…

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College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO) Stakeholder Consultation

The following is being circulated at the request of the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO): As OCSWSSW members are aware, on December 30, 2017, the government of Ontario proclaimed into force the controlled act of psychotherapy, with a two-year transition period to allow the mental health sector a period of time in which individuals must either become registered with one of the appropriate colleges or restrict their services so that they do not perform the…

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OCSWSSW Launches Public Awareness Initiative

The Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers is pleased to announce the launch of an exciting new initiative that aims to further extend the College’s reach to the Ontario public and continue to fulfill our primary duty of public protection. The College’s message to Ontarians is simple: check to make sure your social worker/social service worker’s name is on the Online Register. A quick check on our website will tell you whether…

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Council Meeting Highlights for March 8, 2018

The Council is the 21-member governing body and board of directors that manages and administers College affairs. The policies developed by Council provide direction to the College and to staff. March 8, 2018 Shelley Hale, RSSW, President, provided her report to Council.Lise Betteridge, RSW, Registrar, and Laura Sheehan, Deputy Registrar, presented their report to Council. The report provided updates on the implementation of the amendments to the Registration Regulation; the upcoming Annual Meeting and Education…

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Membership Renewals: Late Fee in Effect

The College would like to remind all members who have not yet renewed their membership for 2018 that a $50 penalty fee has been added to unpaid renewal fees effective February 1, 2018. Important Note: If you do not intend to renew your membership for 2018 or wish to change your membership status, you must contact the College for further instructions. Renew Your Membership OnlineRenew your membership through the College's online member services.To renew your…

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Professional Practice Update: Psychotherapy, 2018 CCP, and SWSSWPDF

The College has important information for members regarding the proclamation of the controlled act of psychotherapy, the Continuing Competence Program (CCP), and the Social Workers and Social Service Workers Professional Development Fund (SWSSWPDF). PsychotherapyMembers have been contacting the Professional Practice Department with many questions about the controlled act of psychotherapy, including whether or not they can call themselves a “psychotherapist”. As of December 30, 2017, members of the College may perform the controlled act of…

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