
Council Meeting Highlights for March 6, 2015

The Council is the 21-member governing body and board of directors that manages and administers College affairs. The policies developed by Council provide direction to the College and to staff. Highlights Council reviewed and discussed the Deputy Registrar’s reportCouncil reviewed the Statement of Financial Position as of December 2014, as well as the Statement of Operations as of December 2014Council discussed and approved the Proposed Amendment to the Standards or Practice – Record Storage and…

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Council Meeting Highlights for December 4, 2014

The Council is the 21-member governing body and board of directors that manages and administers College affairs. The policies developed by Council provide direction to the College and to staff. Highlights Council welcomed Brian “Darren” Madahbee, newly elected RSSW from electoral district 1Council received the President, Registrar and Deputy Registrar’s reportsThe Financial Statements as of September 30, 2014, as well as the Statement of Operations for September 2014 were approved by CouncilCouncil approved amendments to…

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Discipline Committee Decision Summary

May 26, 2014 and September 29, 2014Pamela Bickerton (Henry), Former Social Work Member The Discipline Committee of the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers found that Pamela Bickerton (Henry), a former social work member, is guilty of professional misconduct in that she violated sections 2.31 and 2.36 of O. Reg. 384/00 (Professional Misconduct). Download the College's Discipline Committee Decision Summary.

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Council Meeting Highlights for September 8, September 9, 2014

The Council is the 21-member governing body and board of directors that manages and administers College affairs. The policies developed by Council provide direction to the College and to staff. Highlights The following Council members were elected by Council to the Executive Committee: Beatrice Traub-Werner, RSW – PresidentGreg Clarke, RSSW – First Vice-PresidentDavid Hodgson – Second Vice-PresidentBob Thompson, RSW – 4th Executive MemberIrene Comfort, RSSW – 5th Executive MemberLily Oddie, Public Member – 6th Executive Member Finance Training was provided to…

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2014 AMED

The theme for this year’s Annual Meeting and Education Day was Exploring Possibilities in Social Work and Social Service Work Practice. Exploring possibilities in practice is multi-faceted. It includes learning about new approaches and innovations, responding to opportunities for collaboration, respecting diversity, and practising according to the standards of practice and within the limits of one’s scope and competence, among other things. Keynote Speaker Possibilities and Responsibilities: The Unique Contributions of Social Workers and Social Service…

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Council Meeting Highlights for May 13, 2014

The Council is the 21-member governing body and board of directors that manages and administers College affairs. The policies developed by Council provide direction to the College and to staff. Highlights The President provided a report to Council on recent events and accomplishmentsCouncil received an update on the College premises expansionCouncil revised the Expense and Per Diem PolicyCouncil approved an amendment to the Business planCouncil approved, in principle, the 2015 member fee recommendationsCouncil discussed the…

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Council Meeting Highlights for March 4, 2014

The Council is the 21-member governing body and board of directors that manages and administers College affairs. The policies developed by Council provide direction to the College and to staff. Highlights Council received an update on the College premises expansionCouncil received an update about the Per Diem PolicyCouncil received an update regarding the 2015 membership fee recommendationsCouncil discussed the OCSWSSW’s appointment options for the board of the Canadian Council of Social Work RegulatorsCouncil approved draft…

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Council Meeting Highlights for December 11, 2013

The Council is the 21-member governing body and board of directors that manages and administers College affairs. The policies developed by Council provide direction to the College and to staff. Highlights Council approved the 2014 Draft Budget and the Draft Compensation Model PolicyCouncil received an update on the College premises expansionCouncil passed a motion regarding the appointment of auditors for the year ending December 31, 2013Council approved Draft By-Law 85, amending By-Law No. 1; Draft…

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Council Meeting Highlights for September 9, September 10, 2013

The Council is the 21-member governing body and board of directors that manages and administers College affairs. The policies developed by Council provide direction to the College and to staff. Highlights The following Council members were elected by Council to the Executive Committee: Beatrice Traub-Werner – PresidentLily Oddie, Public Member – First Vice-PresidentGreg Clarke, RSSW– Second Vice-PresidentBob Thompson, RSW – 4th Executive MemberIrene Comfort, RSSW – 5th Executive MemberDavid Hodgson, Public Member – 6th Executive Member Finance Training was provided…

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2013 AMED

On June 13, 2013, the College held its 13th Annual Meeting and 10th Education Day at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre in downtown Toronto. The theme for this year’s event was Maximizing Professional Effectiveness in Turbulent Times. As registered social workers and social service workers, there are many variables affecting your personal and professional lives, as well as those of your clients. This year’s AMED focused on providing members with tools, connections and inspiration to maximize…

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Council Meeting Highlights for May 10, 2013

The Council is the 21-member governing body and board of directors that manages and administers College affairs. The policies developed by Council provide direction to the College and to staff. Highlights Council received an update on the Deputy Registrar recruitment processCouncil reviewed the 2012 audited financial statementsCouncil approved the amendments to the following Governance policies: B-023, Committee Reports to Council; B-005, Agenda Development; and B-006, Role of President and Vice-PresidentCouncil approved the request to form…

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Council Meeting Highlights for March 1, 2013

The Council is the 21-member governing body and board of directors that manages and administers College affairs. The policies developed by Council provide direction to the College and to staff. Highlights The Registrar provided an update on the 2012-2015 Strategic PlanCouncil reviewed and discussed the Video Conferencing ReportCouncil approved the Canadian Council of Social Work Regulators’ report Entry-Level Competency Profile for the Social Work Profession in CanadaCouncil discussed the College’s regulatory cautionsCouncil reviewed and discussed modifications…

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