
Council Meeting Highlights for December 13, December 14 2012

The Council is the 21-member governing body and board of directors that manages and administers College affairs. The policies developed by Council provide direction to the College and to staff. Highlights Council welcomed new public member, David Hodgson and congratulated public members Anita Gupta and Sophia Ruddock on their reappointmentsCouncil approved the 2013 Draft BudgetThe Registrar provided an update on the 2012-2015 Strategic PlanCouncil reviewed the Summary of the Assessment of Registration Practices and Recommendations…

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Points saillants de la réunion du Conseil du 13 septembre, 14 septembre 2012

Le Conseil est le corps dirigeant et conseil d’administration composé de 21 membres qui gère et administre les affaires de l’Ordre. Et celles-ci fournissent une orientation à l’Ordre et au personnel. Points saillants de la réunion du Conseil – 13 et 14 septembre 2012 Les membres suivants du Conseil sont élus par le Conseil pour former le Bureau :Mukesh Kowlessar, TTSI – présidentLily Oddie, membre du public – première vice-présidenteBeatrice Traub-Werner, TSI – deuxième vice-présidenteGreg Clarke,…

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Council Meeting Highlights for September 13, September 14, 2012

The Council is the 21-member governing body and board of directors that manages and administers College affairs. The policies developed by Council provide direction to the College and to staff. Highlights The following Council members were elected by Council to the Executive Committee: Mukesh Kowlessar, RSSW – PresidentLily Oddie, Public Member – First Vice-PresidentBeatrice Traub-Werner, RSW– Second Vice-PresidentGreg Clarke, RSSW – 4th Executive MemberBob Thompson, RSW – 5th Executive MemberSophia Ruddock, Public Member – 6th Executive Member Finance Training was provided to Council…

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2012 AMED

On May 22, 2012, the College held its 12th Annual Meeting and 9th Education Day at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre in downtown Toronto. The theme for this year’s event was Professional, Ethical, Qualified and Accountable: Committed to Excellence.  Approximately 540 members from across the province joined us for the event, with some members participating by webcast. Below, you will find the video recording of our Annual Meeting and the Keynote Address. Additionally, the PowerPoint presentations…

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Council Meeting Highlights for May 11, 2012

The Council is the 21-member governing body and board of directors that manages and administers College affairs. The policies developed by Council provide direction to the College and to staff. Highlights The Registrar updated Council on the current activities of the Canadian Council of Social Work RegulatorsRachel Birnbaum was approved as the reappointed representative to the Canadian Council of Social Work RegulatorsCouncil discussed and approved the new Council Member Orientation and Mentorship Program PolicyCouncil reviewed…

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Council Meeting Highlights for March 23, 2012

The Council is the 21-member governing body and board of directors that manages and administers College affairs. The policies developed by Council provide direction to the College and to staff. Highlights The Registrar updated Council on the activities of the Canadian Council of Social Work RegulatorsThe Deputy Registrar updated Council on the public awareness campaign and the 2012 strategic communications next stepsCouncil reviewed and approved the Good Governance Session Report brought forth by the Governance…

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Council Meeting Highlights for January 27, 2012

The Council is the 21-member governing body and board of directors that manages and administers College affairs. The policies developed by Council provide direction to the College and to staff. Highlights Council reviewed a summary on the Canadian Council of Social Work Regulator’s activitiesThe Deputy Registrar updated Council on the public awareness campaign, as well as the progress with Argyle Communications, including the public opinion survey results and next steps for strategic communicationsCouncil reviewed, amended…

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2011 AMED

The Annual Meeting and Education Day was held on June 13, 2011 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. The event was a great success, with over 500 attendees. The theme of this year’s event was Staying Connected, which focused on the concept of connectivity and how it embraces many aspects of our personal and professional lives. Below, you will find links to our breakout session PowerPoint presentations as well as our keynote speaker’s handout. Thank you…

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2010 AMED

Each year, the College hosts an education day in conjunction with its Annual Meeting. The event is open to members only and provides a full day of education and networking opportunities. There is no cost for members to attend the event as it is a benefit of membership in the College. The 2010 event took place on June 14th at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. We were pleased to once again welcome the Honourable Madeleine…

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2009 AMED

Annual Meeting and Education Day June 24, 2009 The College’s Annual Meeting and Education Day took place on June 24, 2009 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Close to 550 members were in attendance and the response to date has been extremely positive. Presentation slides are available to download by clicking on the speaker’s name below. We would like to thank all the speakers who made the day such a great success. We look forward…

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2008 AMED

The College’s 2008 Annual Meeting and Education Day took place on Wednesday, June 18, 2008. Once again, the event was a huge success with more than 500 delegates attending. We would like to thank the presenters who made the event such a success. For those unable to attend in person, the presentations from the speakers are available to download below. Simply click on the name of the presenter to download the slides. We look forward…

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