If a registrant no longer needs to be registered with the College (for example: they no longer use the title “social worker” or “social service worker,” or no longer work in the sector), they can submit a notice of resignation.
Considerations Before Submitting a Notice of Resignation
Once a notice of resignation is approved:
- Registrants can no longer use the protected titles and designations “social worker”, “registered social worker” (RSW), “social service worker”, “registered social service worker” (RSSW) or their French equivalents;
- Registrants cannot lead others to believe they are a social worker or social service worker; and
- Registrants are not entitled to practise social work or social service work. If an individual wants to become a registrant again in the future, they must re-apply for registration, submit all required documentation, pay all fees and meet all the requirements for registration in place at the time of re-application.
Registrants who are not currently practising but may return to practice in the future may want to apply for a certificate of registration in the inactive class instead of submitting a resignation.
To submit a notice of resignation, log into the Online Portal and click on “Request Status Change” under the “Request” tab. For more information, click on the section below.
How to submit a notice of resignation
Log into the Online Portal and click on “Request Status Change” under the “Request” tab to submit a notice of resignation.
Once a registrant submits their resignation, it will be reviewed by the College for approval. If a resignation is approved, the certificate of registration will be cancelled effective on the date specified in the notice of resignation. Once a resignation is approved, registrants will receive a confirmation email.
Note: If a registrant is currently being investigated or has an active complaints or disciplinary case open and they want to resign to avoid the investigation, the College can refuse to approve the resignation.
Once a registrant’s resignation is effective, a notation of cancellation will appear on the Online Register indicating that they are no longer entitled to practise. The information is available to the public and will remain on the register indefinitely, even if the individual re-applies to the College in the future.
Contact the College’s Registration and Renewals Department:
- info@ocswssw.org
- 416-972-9882 or 1-877-828-9380 (toll free)