As the provincial regulator for social workers and social service workers in Ontario, we are dedicated to protecting the public and upholding high standards of professional practice. Our commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) is a fundamental part of our work, driven by the urgency to address and dismantle systemic barriers rooted in colonialism. Our commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion will primarily focus on actions against anti-Black racism and the history and experiences of slavery and colonization of people of Black-African descent in Canada. Our commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion is further guided by relevant data that underscores the disproportionate overrepresentation of Black individuals and communities within the child welfare and judicial systems in Ontario, and across Canada1. We recognize that these inequities and injustices are a direct result of systemic racism perpetuated by colonial structures and practices.

We are committed to advancing initiatives against anti-Black racism as a key part of our equity, diversity and inclusion objectives and our broader public protection mandate. This focus directly relates to our role in safeguarding clients and communities by ensuring fair and equitable standards of care and treatment for all. 

While our focus is on combating anti-Black racism, we remain acutely aware of other forms of systemic racism. It is incumbent upon us to acknowledge that other forms of systemic racism are actively present and impact Ontarians every day. We have consciously chosen to prioritize depth over breadth, with the approach to “go deep, not wide.” By concentrating our efforts on specific forms of oppression and racism, we believe that we can achieve significant and meaningful impact. This deliberate focus does not diminish the importance of other issues but rather highlights our determination to make a substantial impact in areas where it is most needed.

The College recognizes the historical and ongoing systemic barriers faced by Black communities in Ontario. We also recognize the importance of intersecting identities and cultures, especially as it relates to Black communities, and we are committed to listening to the voices of all to inform our work. We pledge to proactively address anti-Black racism within our regulatory practices and provide resources to support registrants in their practice. We are committed to implementing strategies that specifically combat anti-Black racism across all aspects of our work. These initiatives are integral to our equity, diversity and inclusion efforts and align with our values and strategic priorities of being community-centred and effective. 

We understand that we have much to learn and unlearn, and we are committed to taking action in contributing towards a more inclusive and just future. As part of our journey, we aim to support the needs and intersectional identities and cultures of Black individuals and communities. 


To ensure our commitment is translated into actionable plans, we have developed an overview outlining specific steps we will take as a part of our commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion. Together with the ongoing guidance from diverse individuals and communities, College staff and Council members will turn our intentions into actions and hold space for change to truly occur through the following actionable plans.

Data-Driven Decision Making 

  • We will use data and evidence-based approaches to inform our policies and practices regarding equity, diversity and inclusion. 

Education and Training 

  • We will provide mandatory training for all staff and Council members on anti-Black racism and cultural competency. 
  • We will continue to develop practice resources to raise awareness and understanding of the unique challenges faced by Black communities to better equip College registrants in serving these communities. 
  • We will ensure ongoing professional development opportunities focused on equity, diversity and inclusion principles and anti-racism practices. 

Collaboration and Partnerships 

  • We will engage and partner with Black-led organizations, community groups and other engagement groups to co-develop and implement activities. 
  • We will increase the impact and visibility of Black perspectives and support Black voices within our organization and the broader social services sector. 
  • We will continue to collaborate with government bodies and other regulatory organizations to align our efforts and share best practices. 

Transparency and Accountability 

  • We will establish clear metrics and benchmarks to measure our progress in achieving equity, diversity and inclusion goals. 
  • We will annually publish reports and share our stories on our equity, diversity and inclusion efforts, highlighting our learnings and areas for improvement. 

1 Source